With all the mind-numbing changes on insurance coverage and trying to figure out co-pays and deductibles, why can’t someone come up with a simple payment plan most people can understand?
You’ve got expenses not covered by insurance and you’re not ready to come up with the full amount needed for treatment. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some flexibility to help with out-of-pocket expenses for dental care? Burlington Dental has the answers.
We’ve partnered with CareCredit… they pick up where your insurance leaves off — you can use it for co-payments, deductibles, cosmetic dentistry and even preventive care. You can apply in person at the Burlington Dental office, or apply on line at www.carecrecredit.com to complete the application.
Either way, within a matter of minutes you’ll have an answer to your application and best of all, with approval, you can begin restoring your beautiful smile right away – even before you get your card!
Our CareCredit specialist will help with your application… explain special financing options, extended terms and reduced interest rates during your visit. No reason to put off needed services. Call Burlington Dental today!